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  Scripts -> SimVHUM

      Sim_VHUM is a script that can be very helpfull to large webhosting providers that have multiple servers running cpanel/whm. The script enables them to easily manage user accounts/domains on remote servers.


  • Uses Secure SSH 2 connection to remote servers for fetching the information about users and domains hosted on the servers
  • Easy to use and secure( password protected , over SSL ) web interface
  • Search function for users , domains
  • Posibility to login to a user's account with a single click, without having to type a username/password
  • Posibility to have multiple administrators , each administrator having his own servers, and posibility to limit the number of servers an administrator can have
  • Easy instalation


  • Apache webserver + mod_PHP
  • MySQL server
  • Perl and DBI modules for perl
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